A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed

In a small village, there lived two best friends. They always wondered what lay outside the village. They thought of the big cities and the big buildings. One day, they decided to travel together. They set out on their journey around the world and to explore new territories.
While they were crossing a thick forest, they heard an animal growling very close to them. They both got scared and started to look for a place to hide. They knew they would get killed if they didn’t find a place to hide soon.
They heard another growl and this time it was much louder. They knew that the animal was closer to them. They panicked. One friend immediately climbed up a tree and hid on one of the branches. The other friend could not climb up a tree by himself. But he did not receive any help from his friend either.
So, he quickly lay down on the ground itself and held his breath. He pretended to be dead. As the animal came closer, they realised it was a bear. Both of them stayed still in their places.

The bear came close to the friend lying on the ground. He sniffed the friend but thought he was dead. The bear did not eat the dead and so he turned around and left. As the bear left, the friend on the tree climbed down and asked, “What did the bear whisper in your ears?” The friend replied, “The bear said one should beware of friends who leave one in the times of trouble.” The friend understood what he was trying to say. He took care of him throughout their journey.

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