A Glass of Sharbat

Vijayanagara was a very prosperous kingdom. Naturally, that created a lot of enemies around it. The Muslim Bahamani Kings attacked the kingdom for religious reasons. The Gajapatis of Odisha were jealous neighbours and wanted to extend their own kingdom. Vijayanagara was, therefore, always fighting off its enemies.
The King often discussed the problems of the kingdom with his ministers and ashtadiggajas. They were worried about the wars, the money, the army, the revenues, and other such things. One day, they sat around talking. The King ordered sharbat and some snacks to be served.

Tenali Raman sat with everyone quietly listening to the discussion. He felt there was more to life in Vijayanagara than just the wars and the revenues. Winning the wars was certainly important, but that should not be the only focus of the King and the court. There were trade and commerce, the safety of the people, the arts and crafts… all those things were also a part of their life. He thought of a unique way to make the King and the courtiers see the whole picture. Perhaps that would help them lighten the stress.

He went out silently to the kitchen and returned in a while with the attendants carrying large jars of sharbat and several snacks. They began serving the King and the courtiers. Suddenly, the King noticed that the glasses in which the sharbat was being served were all of different types. There were large and small glasses and tumblers, wine cups and containers, made of gold, silver, brass, copper, glass and crystal.
“Tenali Raman, why is the sharbat being served in these different glasses? You have gone in just now. I am sure you had something to do with it! Tell us,” he demanded.

“Sir, what is it we really needed? The sharbat, isn’t it? The glasses are only for containing the sharbat. You were all worrying about the wars. Winning the wars is very important, but they are meant to protect the kingdom. The kingdom is more important than other things. Once we all realise that, we will not be so worried or distressed.”
The King who, till then, had been very tense and disturbed, relaxed on the cushions and laughed. “You are right, Tenali Raman,” he said, “When we focus only on our troubles, we lose track of all the good things we have. We need to have a balanced view of life. Gentlemen, let us drink our sharbat and talk about better things too!”

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