Hatim walked towards India, for that was the direction people guided him to reach Mountain Nida. After walking for many months, he came to a village that brought solace to his soul. For the first time, he decided to take a break. He saw a kind man, who said to him, “You look tired and hungry; come and rest a while.” His sincerity touched Hatim’s heart and he agreed. The house where the man took him was simple and clean. There were cotton mats to sit upon and cotton mattresses to sleep on. The kind man served him sweet buttermilk and boiled rice, which Hatim had gratefully, for he was thirsty and hungry. That night, Hatim slept like a baby. In the morning, he woke up to the melodious chanting of prayers being offered to God. He too bowed his head in reverence, and on the insistence of his host, decided to stay for a few days there.
A Glimpse into an Indian Home