A Good Leader

Once, the Deer King divided his herd into two parts. Then, he entrusted his two sons Beauty and Gray with each part. At harvest time, the Deer King asked his sons to take the herds to the mountains near Lumbini Grove to keep them safe from humans. In his hurry to get to the mountains, Gray moved his herd during the day. This made it easy for the villagers to target the deer and kill them. By the time Gray reached the mountain, many deer were killed or injured. Eventually, when the herd had to return to the farmlands, Gray reached alone; all others had died. On the other hand, Beauty carefully moved his herd only at night and outside the village. He returned to the farmlands with all of his 500 deer. The Deer King said, “Beauty, you will rule after me. A good leader always keeps his followers safe.”

Moral: A good leader will take care of you.

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