Jenna was a ten-year-old girl who was paralysed from the waist down. She was always nice and considerate of others. She loved to play sports and help around the house. But sometimes she got frustrated with her big wheel-chair, because it caused her discomfort. But she never lost hope. One day when she was at the doctor’s clinic for her monthly checkup, the doctor told her there was a good chance that she could start walking after a series of three surgeries. Exactly one month later, the first surgery took place. Every day, she would feel better. She was gaining strength in the muscles of her legs. Then, the next two surgeries took place. Finally, her legs were strong enough and she went in for physio therapy. Within two weeks, she started walking slowly. And within four months, she started playing in the park. She said, “It was a long wait, but well worth it!” Jenna’s positivity helped her regain her lost health and now she helped others like her to get well.
A Long Wait