A Needle-point of Land

The messenger to Hastinapura did not succeed despite Bhishma asking for Indraprastha to be returned to the Pandavas. Dhritarashtra sent Sanjaya to them. He said that Dhritarashtra wanted no war, but he was always led by his son. Yudhishthira said he would be guided by Krishna. He said that they had been cheated out of their kingdom and Draupadi insulted publicly. If the Kauravas gave them even five villages, one for each of them, they would make peace. But Kauravas were as ready for war as for peace. Sanjaya reported the message to the Hastinapura court. Bhishma said it was right for the Pandavas to be given their property back. Besides it was foolish to challenge them and Krishna, when Arjuna alone had defeated them in Matsya. Dhritarashtra agreed out of fear. But Duryodhana said he would not give even a needle-point of land to the Pandavas.

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