A New Trick


Frankie was in a hurry to go to school, one morning. It was his Mathematics test that day. As he was hurrying out of his house, he suddenly remembered that he had forgotten to take his pencil box. So, Frankie ran up to his room and tried to open a drawer. He tried and tried but it wouldn’t open. His dad came to his room when Frankie was about to give up, “What is the matter, Frankie? Why are you looking upset?” asked his dad. When Frankie explained what the problem was, his dad asked him to get some butter. Frankie was confused but he immediately got the butter box. His dad slid a thin pat of butter across the drawer’s edge. The butter made the edge sticky and the drawer opened. Frankie said, “Thank you, dad! You not only solved my problem but also taught me a new trick.” He took his pencil box and hurried to school.

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