A picnic party

It was the month of July and some of my friends had arranged a picnic party. The venue chosen for the party was the Qutab Minar. This place was so chosen because it served two purposes-one, of seeing the historical monument and the second, of the outskirts of Delhi.
We decided to have our breakfast, lunch and evening tea there. So, we packed our necessities and food-stuffs and went to the picnic spot. The day was very fine. Clouds were hovering in the sky. We reached Qutab Minar at 9 a.m. We prepared tea on a gas stove and had it with some snacks. We had also carried with us some musical instruments like harmonium, sitar and FM player. After having our breakfast, a friend of mine, Sudhir, played on the harmonium. He played two songs, which were so thrilling, enchanting and pleasant that we enjoyed them to our heart’s content. The lush green lawns surrounding the Qutab Minar and other shady trees make this place a natural spot full of beauty.
Then my other friend Rakesh asked me to have a round of the area surrounding the Qutab. As we were roaming in the beautiful gardens bedecked with flowers and trees, we came across a foreign couple who were taking photographs of the ruined monuments and other places of historical interest.
We came back to our spot and have lunch. After this we enjoyed the songs, poems and other humorous couplets.
Now it was about 5 p.m. The picnic parties were packing their paraphernalia and were preparing to go home. We also packed our utensils, crockery and other things. Then we proceeded towards home, talking, gossiping, chatting and laughing all the way.
Crockery—kitchen utensils

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