A She-devil in the Palace

The prince, after facing the she-devils in the forest, reached Bodh Gaya. He entered a rest-house to rest for the night. A she devil had followed the prince and stood outside. The King of Bodh Gaya was passing by. He saw the she-devil and wanted to marry her. However, the she-devil said, “My husband is in the resthouse.” Hearing this, the prince shouted from within, “She is not my wife. She is a naraka.” The foolish king did not listen and married the she-devil. He then gave her power over his palace. At night, the she-devil brought all the other narakas into the palace. In the morning, when the people broke open the palace door, they found no sign of the king or his people. The people realised that the man in the resthouse was right. Seeing his wisdom and determination, they made him the king. The new king drove the narakas out of the city.

Moral: The fools who live only for pleasure are killed.

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