A Stone for Heidi

Heidi liked to collect pebbles. She made pictures with them and planted flowers around them. She had a large collection but she longed for a pink stone! One day walking along the beach, she met a young man who also seemed to be collecting something. “Hello,” she said, “I’m Heidi. I’m collecting pebbles. I haven’t seen you here before.” “I’m James,” replied the young man, “I’m collecting shells.” “If you see a pink pebble anywhere, would you please give it to me?” asked Heidi. James agreed. They would meet and collect pebbles and shells daily. One day, James found a beautiful pink crystal-like pebble. He presented it to Heidi and said, “Will you marry me?” Heidi agreed, for she too had begun to love him. After the wedding, James took her to his palace and said, “Welcome home, Princess Heidi!” In fact, he was Prince James!

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