Our mid-term exams were over two months ago. As already proposed, I with my friends decided to spend the holidays in a useful manner. Luckily, we came across the announcement of Delhi Book fair at Pragati Maidan. This book fair was organized by National Book Trust. The entry was free. We happily approached, our class teacher, who had been residing in our locality, he enthusiastically agreed to accompany with us.
India is a country with one of the oldest civilizations in the world. Her literary tradition dating back to three millennium B.C. has manifested itself over the centuries in the form of innumerable texts and treatises, accounts and discussions, hymns and mantras, from oral to written.
India is now a major modern state where Indian publishing has made rapid strides in the last few decades. Today there are over 11000 publishers engaged in publishing books in India. Nearly 60000 books in 18 languages are published every year. In terms of English language publishing, India ranks third in the world after the USA and the UK.
There were as many as 1248 participants from all over country that installed their stalls with not only various kinds of books but also periodicals and other publications, teaching aids, audio-visual material, etc. We were very happy on seeing that.
We had visited almost all the stalls and purchased lots of books of interest, required for higher studies and competition books, etc. by availing 10% discount in overall purchases. With the bulk of books in our hands, we returned back early that was almost before the closure time for that day. We were very proud for a day spent in the midst of varied knowledge.
Enthusiastically—with interest
Availing —taking advantage of