Mr. Khanna was a obstinate and gullible fellow. He would come into the talks of shrewd people easily, but would not listen to wise people’s advice who forbade him to keep the company of shrewd people.
One day, a shrewd man named John came to Mr. Khanna and said that he was a bank agent. His bank was offering 30% interest on all deposits, on yearly basis. If he was interested to deposit his money in the bank, then he should give at least Rs. Twenty thousand to him right away. Mr. Khanna came into the talks of John. He told his wife to bring Rs. Twenty thousand. His wife told him not to give the money to the stranger, but Mr. Khanna did not agree to his wife’s wise suggestion.
He gave the money right away to him. John went away with the money and never returned back.
Mr. Khanna repented for his folly and cried for believing in the words of a wolf in lamb’s clothing.
Moral—Don’t come into the talks of shrewd people who are polite to you otherwise, but has bad intentions for you.