The name of the English lawyer of Abdullah was Mr. A.W. Baker.
He was a gentle and religions minded man. He got a room for Gandhi on a monthly rent of 33 Shillings per week at the house of a lady.
He told Gandhi not to worry about the case. It was in the hands of experienced Barristers. They just wanted to know certain facts from the translated version of the Gujarati letters.
After business talks Mr. Baker talked about spiritual matters. He claimed that Christ was God’s only son and only he salvaged human beings.
Gandhi listened to his sermon carefully. Then he told Mr. Baker that he was a Hindu. He knew little about his religion but he had the curiosity to know the religions of others, he revealed. Mr. Baker was pleased to hear his frank admission.
He introduced Gandhi to various Christian faithfuls like Miss Harris, Mr. Keats Quackers, Miss Guave etc. Mohandas Gandhi became more and more intimate to these personalities.
To know the Christianity better Gandhi had started going to churches and attending masses. He saw that those people had great faith in prayers. As Gandhi had suffered racial abuse he was bound to think that if Christ was the only son of God then why himself and others like him were not the sons and the daughters of God? One day, Mohandas Gandhi decided to study Bible seriously.
He wrote letters to his old England friends. Thus, he was widening his circle of white friends. Meanwhile, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was becoming a familiar figure in Pretoria, a suited, booted and topped with Gujarati turban Indian.