Act of Bravery

Ron was bullied by some older children at school. Once, he shared this with his Grandpa. Grandpa smiled, went to the storeroom and opened an old chest filled with many things. He pulled out a belt made from a tiger’s tail. Grandpa said, “Wear this. Whenever they bully you, just gather your courage and face them. You will turn into a tiger!” Excited, Ron went to school the next day wearing the belt. The bullies were waiting for him. He took a deep breath and looked them straight in their eyes. Loudly, Ron said, “If you ever bother me again, you will be sorry.” Ron felt himself become as strong as a tiger. The boys looked at one another and left him alone. Ron triumphantly came back to tell Grandpa. Grandpa smiled and told him that it was Ron’s own courage, not the belt, which had made the bullies go away. Ron understood and promised to face all his fears bravely.

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