Two men went hunting in a forest. They saw a fox and began chasing him. The fox ran for his life. Soon, the hunters lost track of him. There was a woodcutter’s house in the forest and the fox went and begged him, “Hunters are chasing me. Find me a place to hide.” The woodcutter pointed to his hut and the fox hid in it. After some time, the hunters came there and asked the woodcutter, “Have you seen a fox pass this way?” The woodcutter said, “No.” But he pointed his finger towards his hut. The hunters did not take the hint and they left. After a while, the fox slunk out of the woodcutter’s house. As he was running away, the woodcutter called out to him, “You did not even thank me!” The fox said, “I would have, if your actions had been as trustworthy as your words.”
Actions Speak Louder Than Words