This statement, a proverb found in many languages, including ancient Greek, was first worded in precisely this way in English in Colonial Currency (1736).
This proverb means that the values you have in life are judged more by how you live your life than by what you say. Here the word ‘speak’ does not mean literally to speak. It is used to mean convey or show or demonstrate. For example, if you are teaching someone how to dance, it is better to show him the movements physically instead of just describing it in words. Actions give a clear picture about what we are trying to say in a short period of time.People are more impressed with our sincerity, if we act on our beliefs than if we merely talk about them. It is said to emphasize that what you do is more important and shows your intentions and feelings more clearly than what you say. For example, if your friend says, “I think it’s important to be honest with others.” However, he often lies to you and others, people will not think he values honesty. They will judge his values by his actions, not by what he says.
You keep saying that you’ll do your fair share of the housework. Remember that actions speak louder than words.
You have to prepare for what your opponents could do, not what they say they’ll do, because actions speak louder than words.