Ritzier and Joseph were good friends but their nature was not alike. In fact, their nature was quite opposite. If Ritzier was happy-go-lucky, Joseph was cautious. So, they thought and behaved in opposite ways. They were on a family hiking trip in Canada when both boys went out for a walk. Ritzier wanted to see the sunset from the mountain top. “Joseph, let’s climb to the top of the mountain,” he said. Joseph was afraid of the climb and said, “But Ritzier, what if we fall?” Ritzier smiled and said, “Joseph, if we climb carefully, we will not fall. If you want to see the view from the top, you have to climb the mountain.” Joseph was initially not interested but became motivated after Ritzier had convinced him. Finally, Joseph agreed to go with Ritzier. Both boys saw the beautiful view from the top. Joseph realised that making an effort has rewards.
Adventurous Trip