
Africa is the second largest continent on the Earth. Africa has a diverse range of mineral resources, including some of the world’s largest reserves of fossil fuels, metallic ores and gems and precious metals.

Surface area: 30,365,000 km2

Location: Surrounds the equatorial line and the Eastern hemisphere

Major countries: Algeria, Congo, Kenya, Namibia, Sudan and South Africa

Important physical features:

♦ The highest point of Africa is Mount Kilimanjaro (elevation above sea level: 19,341 feet)

♦ World’s largest desert: The Great Sahara desert (area: 9,065,000 km2)

♦ The East African Rift System and diverse wildlife in the vast forests

♦ Mountains: Atlas mountain range in northwestern Africa

♦ Rivers: Nile, Congo Niger

Major languages: Yoruba, Hausa and Swahili

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