After freedom

India was an unique example of university with diversity for long.
Everyone should be independent—all should possess the freedom of speech, mutual co-operation, friendship and social freedom is must, for all these a constitution was must. So the job to make a constitution began. It took a period of three years.
Babu Rajendra Prasad was the President of the Constitution Framing Committee.
The Constitution of India was accepted on Jan. 26, 1949 and exactly one year later i.e. on Jan. 26, 1950 India was declared sovereign democratic republic.
Actually the task of framing constitution was started well before attaning the freedom. First session of Constitution Assembly was held on Dec. 9, 1946 in which except Muslim League all parties participated. The elder and senior most members of Central Assembly Dr. Sachchdanand Sinha was appointed as its acting President, afterwards Rajendra Babu was permanently entrusted this designation. He was elected unanimously.
After elected for this post several scholars admired him for his native love, relinquishment, morality and erudition.
On this occasion in his speech Dr. Radha Krishnan said, “He is personified of non-violent Indian culture and integral dutiful son of sacred grove of Bihar.”
Where Srojini Naidu called him an angel, Gandhiji honoured him saying he had no enemy.
On the occasion defining the objects of constitution Rajendra Babu said—
“We will produce such a constitution before the world, which will satisfy the people of each community, party and religion. There will be freedom of thought, function and manifestation in this constitution. Each person will be provided opportunity for his better development. According to constitution freedom of Indians will be secure.”
Since Aug. 15, 1947 after achieving independence Lord Mountbetton remained Governor General of India till the next election of the President. He vacated his seat on June 21, 1948. On this occasion messages from different countries were received. The duty to recite them was performed by Rajendra Babu.
Addressing on this occasion he said—
“The people who bear lot of atrocities to reach the last stair, by their sacrifice we articulate our gratitude towards them. At this opportunity we offer our homage towards Mahatma Gandhi, the builder of modern India who donated virtuous instigation by guiding us.”
Nominated as President
After the departure of Lord Mountbetton from India and until the constitution was not accepted till Rajgopalachari remained Governor General of India.
After that unanimously Babu Rajendra Prasad was nominated as President of India.
In 1952 first general elections of free India were held. After that Rajendra Prasad was duly elected President of India. On 15th May he assumed the charge.
On this occasion he said, “First and foremost duty of the countrymen is freedom of Independence.”

Along it he insisted to all countrymen to work for the progress of the country, neglecting differences of caste, class and religion and that they will behave equally with all.
Even sitting on the highest seat of the country he nver pressed anyone for any kind of work. He was in favour of working with reasonable method. His manner of living and food habits were very simple. He was a pure vegetarian.
Being President Rajendra Babu didn’t abendon his social work. He contributed in social works as was possible.
After completing first tenure in May 1957 he again was elected President.
In his second tenure from July 1960 onwards he decided to deduct a certain amont from his salary. At that time salary of President was ten thousand rupees. Out of that amount he used to take 7500 only and paid income tax too from that salary.

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