Orville Wright (1871-1948) and Wilbur Wright (1867-1912) requested a patent application for a ‘flying machine’ nine months before their successful flight in December 1903, which Orville Wright recorded in his diary. As part of the Wright Brother’s systematic practice of photographing every prototype and test of their various flying machines, they had persuaded an attendant from a nearby life saving station to snap Orville Wright in full flight. The craft soared to an altitude of 10 feet, travelled 120 feet, and landed 12 seconds after takeoff. After making two longer flights that day, Orville and Wilbur Wright sent this telegram to their father, instructing him to inform press. But the first engine-powered airplane to fly was the ‘Kitty Hawk’ on December 17, 1903. At the time, very few realized its importance. The New York Times apologized 100 years later, for ignoring this historic event and not publishing it as news item!