All that Static! (Super Science Experiements)

You will need:

  1. TV remote
  2. Radio
  3. Cell phone

Have you ever been listening to the radio only to hear some weird static before you receive a call? Figure out why that happens with this experiment.


  1. Firstly, fidget with the radio till you reach a silent area between stations.
  2. Next get the TV remote next to the radio and press the standby button and other buttons a few times.
  3. Try getting a cell phone near the radio and ask someone to call you.


You should hear weird static noises in between when you press buttons on the remote and even a consistent static beeping when you are getting an incoming call. If not, try switching the frequencies on your radio and it should happen. The radio receives sound waves which are transmitted through an aerial in the form of electromagnetic currents. These waves are then converted into sound by the radio. Similarly, even the remote and the cell phones create minute electromagnetic waves due to the constant flow of electric currents. These waves are picked up by the radio and can be heard in the form of static.

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