It was Chad’s birthday morning and he was thrilled; most of all, for all the gifts he was about to receive. From morning to evening, Chad jumped around the cave on his little dino legs asking everyone, “What have you got me?” Everyone was happy to see the excited birthday dinosaur and were waiting for evening to give him his presents. In the evening, Chad cut his giant birthday cake and was showered with gifts. He opened them immediately. A bicycle, toys, clothes: everything made him feel happy. Then, he opened Grandma’s present and finding a ball in it, threw it away, disappointed. Grandma became sad. Chad realised his mistake, ran to her and said, “I’m sorry, Grandma; I know I shouldn’t value gifts more than the feelings attached with them. Please forgive me.” Smiling, Grandma kissed little Chad and appreciated how quickly he learnt from his mistake.
Always be Grateful