Old Ethel was saintly in nature. She thought everything good that happens is due to God. She stepped out of her house every morning and shouted, “Praise the Lord!” She did not care whether others liked her belief or not. Jen, Ethel’s neighbour, was irritated with her morning practice. He complained several times that Ethel’s blind faith would do her no good. But Ethel didn’t care. One morning, Ethel shouted, “Praise the Lord! God, I have no food. Please provide for me!” Hours later, Ethel saw one big bag of groceries at her door. “Praise the Lord!” she screamed, “He has provided groceries for me!” Jen jumped out of the hedges and strongly replied, “It was not God! I bought those groceries! Would you stop shouting now?” Ethel shouted, “Praise God! He provided groceries and made you pay for them!” Jen was shocked! He decided to follow Ethel’s morning practice.
Always Praise God