Amba’s Stern Vow

Amba refused to go with Bhishma because she had chosen King Shalva of Saubha kingdom already. So, the other two princesses married Vichitravirya.
Bhishma sent Amba with all honour to King Shalva since she had chosen him as her husband. But Shalva said that he had been defeated by Bhishma in the contest for Amba’s hand. So, he refused to marry Amba. Hurt and angry, Amba returned to Bhishma, who asked Vichitravirya to marry her. But the latter refused because he knew that Amba had already chosen King Shalva as her husband. Then she asked Bhishma to marry her. But he could not do so because of his vow.
Bhishma persuaded her to go back to Shalva. Amba reached Shalva who flatly refused to marry her. Thus Amba shuttled to and fro seeking justice. But neither Bhishma nor Shalva relented.
Amba held Bhishma responsible for her plight; she visited all the brave warriors of that period to give battle to Bhishma but none of them helped her as they all feared Bhishma the most.

Now Amba went over to sage Parshurama who stated, “O Amba! Rest assured; both Bhishma and Shalva will abide by my bidding.” When Amba held Bhishma accountable for her plight, the sage sent for Bhishma and requestd him to accept Amba. As Bhishma was bound by vow, he refused to accept Amba. This angered the sage who challenged Bhishma to a battle. The battle continued for many days but there was no outcome. Therefore the sage said to Amba, “O Amba! I am helpless; I can’t do anything in this regard.”
Thereafter Amba went to the forest and underwent austere penance. She was reborn as the daughter of King Drupada of Panchala. She was named Shikhandi. A heavenly announcement proclaimed that the girl be brought up like a boy. That was why Shikhandi was considered to be a son. But Shikhandi could never become man.

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