Ambhi befriends Alexander

The time passed by. Even after the defeat at the hands of Kaikya the educational activities of Taxila continued unaffected as the university did not get involved in the local politics or related upheavels. The teachers went on teaching and the students flocked in from all over the land. Infact, normal public life continued with no perceptible change as apparently same ruler continued to run the state with same old policies. The only person affected visibly was Prince Ambhi. Most of the time he brooded and cursed Puru.
Ambhi was still receiving education at Taxila University. But now he had lost all interest in studies. His mind kept replaying the arrogant and proud face of Puru exulting in victory and the bowed head of his father before the deceitful enemy. An obsessed youngman he had become. The only thought his mind entertained was how to take revenge on the enemy? Nothing else interested him. He would think of diabolic plans to crush the arrogant face of Puru, imagine those plans being put to action and the enemy suffering horrible shame and ignominy. Such visualisations provided him some solace.
Through such troubled mental state Ambhi was passing. He would pray to God to create some chance for him to enact his revenge act. God appeared to be answering his prayer through the march of the Greek Emperor Alexander who was moving towards the land of Ambhi.
Prince Ambhi too learned about the alien invader who was coming closer subjugating or destroying everything in his way. The mighty warrior emperor was striking fear in enemy opponent. Mammoth was his army and the weapons deadly. Like a storm he was raging and Alexander was his name. He was emperor of a land far off across the seas. From the west he was coming from a place called Greece. All kingdoms were falling to him.
Ambhi learnt Egypt, Persia, Shakastan, Harauli and Bactria had already fallen.
If any ruler facing Alexander accepted his supremacy on his own will he was spared and Greek Emperor treated him as a friend. The resistence proved disastrous. Alexander’s army would wreak havoc on such unyielding ones, Greeks were sure to massacre, loot, plunder and destroy. The plunder and the bloodshed made Greek soldiers frenzied and they became more beastly and ruthless. The hair raising accounts of the diabolic acts of the soldiers of Alexander terrified the citizens and most of them fled towns before the arrival of Greeks. Such people ran eastwards and a large number of them took refuge in Taxila.
A time came when Taxila got flooded with refugees. It greatly worried the king. More worrying was the news that the Greek invader was moving eastwards beyond Hindukush towards Gandhar. The refugees had harrowing tales to tell about the merciless behaviour of the alien invading army. He did not know what to do.
Prince Ambhi was studying the situation and working out his own strategies to take revenge on Puru. He was encouraged when he learnt Emperor Alexander treated those rulers kindly who on their own offered alliance to him. They were treated with honour and friendliness. Suddenly, in the arrival of Alexander the prince saw his chance to teach a lesson to Puru.
Gandhar king had grown very old and now Ambhi was playing a big role in running the state. The officials, ministers and courtiers were coming under his influence. It was natural because Ambhi was the sole heir to the throne. It was only a matter of time before he became the king of Gandhar formally.
One day Ambhi called a secret meeting of his loyal officials, confidants, cronies and favoured ministers to discuss the situation being created by Greek invasion. Several of the confidants and cunning ministers knew the mind of Ambhi and his psychopathic hatred for King Puru. They knew what pleases Ambhi to hear.
One crony said, “My prince, Emperor Alexander is an invincible warrior. A great one. I hear he is very considerate to his allies. If we work out a friendship pact with him we stand to gain a lot of benefits.”
“Let me hear about the gains, man.”
“The first gain is our city will be rid of rufugees who have flooded it. If we befriend Alexander the refugees will go away and seek refuge in some other land. Good riddance.”
“Sounds possible,” Ambhi nodded his head. “And?”
“The alliance with Alexander will make us many times more powerful. Our enemies will fear us.”
Ambhi spoke, “I must take revenge on Puru. Will becoming friend of Alexander work in that way?”
A faithful minister said, “It should work, my prince. As allies we can persuade Alexander to launch attack on Kaikya with our help. He has nothing to lose and one more kingdom to gain.”
“I can’t forget that dreadful day when that egoful Puru stood here like a proud cock crowing. His face had contempt for us. But the father would not see or admit. That friendship treaty was an open insult to us. I must avenge that humiliation.”
“Then, this is the time, great prince. Alliance with Alexander solves all our problems.”
“Make it clear, minister.”
“My master! It is known to all that Emperor Alexander of Greece is on a mission to conquer the world. He is about to cross Hindukush ranges and come into our lands. His natural route should be through our Gandhar and then Kaikya, Malav, Katha, Shudraka etc to go eastwards. If we make Alexander our ally we shall receive him as our guest. Then, to move on he must invade Kaikya. As allies we shall fight together against Puru. To use our help he must attack fast. It will benefit both. We will have our revenge and Alexander will have his way cleared at little cost. Prince, I think it is a golden opportunity for you. You will smile again and smile on your face will be our reward.”
“So, how do we proceed about it?” Ambhi asked eagerly. He was looking pleased.
“A messenger we will send to Alexander with a letter containing our offer.”
Prince Ambhi approved the plan.
A messenger left Taxila with a letter from Ambhi to Alexander which read as—
To the Great Conqueror, Emperor Alexander of Greece, Respects of Prince Ambhi of Gandhar.
We welcome the glorious arrival of the Greek Emperor to this part of the world. It is a matter of great delight and honour to us. I would have preferred to personally appear before you to make my obeisance but due to urgent state duties I am unable to fulfill my wish. In Vaheek area here there is great activity going on. Some kings are fortifying their positions to meet your challenge while others are trying to form a union. Our neighbourhood king Puru of Kaikya is engaged in both kinds of acts. His plan is to block your advance on the western bank of Jhelum.
We know your power and superior battle craft which will foil all the attempts of the enemies. As far as we are concerned we admire your bravery and noble intentions. We and our kingdom pray for your success. We wish for your friendship and cooperation.
Vaheek area is tricky but our spies are present there. For your benefit they will gather informations secretly and make your task easy. They have line on each king. That is how our cooperation shall prove fruitful. We eagerly await your response to our offer of alliance.
Your faithful
Prince Ambhi of Gandhar
The messenger reached to a commander of Alexander’s army. The messenger was led to the camp of the Emperor and produced before him. After the saluting ritual the messenger delivered the letter he was carrying.
The letter was read out and the message pleased the Greek Emperor. He responded favourably. Two Greek envoys accompanied the messenger to Taxila. The messenger reported the outcome of his mission to Prince Ambhi and introduced the Greek envoys sent by Emperor Alexander.
The envoys were warmly received and put up in the royal guest house.
The old king of Gandhar was unaware of the doings of his son. He could never expect that Ambhi would ever invite an alien invader to march into the native lands. The king was patriotic about it. It came as a shock to him when one of his faithful officials informed him of what the prince was upto.
“I can’t believe that,” the king squealed staring at the official. “Do you know what you are saying? You are defaming prince Ambhi. Indirectly you are charging the prince with greave offence of treason.”
“I know, my lord. But I had to tell you the truth as my duty.”
“Have you seen it with your own eyes and heard it with your own ears?” The king asked sharply.
“I have, my lord. Your majesty may get it checked.”
“Can you prove it?”
“My king, I can get you see and hear for yourself.”
“Then do it. When?”
“Right away, Your Majesty.”

The old king rose up unsteadily from his seat on the weak legs. His face was grave and mind troubled. The official led the king to the secret meeting room in another part of the palace where Prince Ambhi was discussing plans with Greek envoys.
He first showed the king the guest rooms where the Greeks were staying. They were not in the room. The old king saw the alien head gear and other things which shocked him. He shook his head in disgust. Now the fact began to sink into him that the official could be telling the truth. Something diabolic was going on.
The official was now certain that the Greeks should be in meeting with Ambhi as they were not in their guest rooms.
The secret meeting chamber was known to only a few people. Of course, the king and the official were amongst them. A peep through a hole showed Prince Ambhi holding serious talks with Greek envoys. There also were some ministers, courtiers and officials in the room who obviously were cronies of the prince. Their presence angered the king.
He breathed heavy. His nostrils flared up. His fists clenched hard. He appeared to be shaking in anger. Then, with a hard push he opened the door.
In a gruffy voice he asked, “What is going on here? Who are these two aliens?”
The sudden appearance of the king at the door caught everyone by surprise. In a confused state of mind ministers and courtiers rose up. Their faces had lost colour and they stood speechless.
Slowly king walked into the room and stared at each face of his subordinates accusingly. No one met his eyes or spoke. At the floor they stared.
The Greeks looked flustered.
The king asked, “Is some plot being hatched against our kingdom?”
Prince Ambhi gathered his wits and spoke, “Father! What are you saying? Why would I work against our own kingdom?”
King screamed, “Don’t call me father. A traitor can not be my son. You are going to sell our motherland to these aliens? So I have heard.”
Ambhi protested, “You have heard wrong. I am not selling anything to anyone. I am only doing what is good for our kingdom and its future.”
“Aha! Now you think you can think about the good of Gandhar better than me.
“That happens to be the truth.”
“What good can these aliens do to us? What is good in inviting an alien ruler to invade our land?”
“Father! You have grown too old to understand new situations. I am befriending an alien so that he spares our kingdom from invasion. That saves our people and properties. We can use them in many other ways for our benefit. Alexander is our opportunity.”
“Don’t teach me politics. Throw these aliens out!”
“Father! I advise you to take full rest and give peace to your mind. I can take care of the kingdom. You need not worry about it. And please don’t shout and be uncivil. These Greeks are our guests and I am also prince of this kingdom. I deserve some respect and honour. I am the future king. Don’t make a fool of yourself before all these people who are here. It will create bad impression. And leave us alone to work out a treaty.”
“That is treason,” screamed old king.
“No father, it is not treason. When you lost against Puru you told me that wisdom lay in accepting the subordination of the superior force. Let us apply the same rule here and be subordinate to Emperor Alexander. He is hundred times more superior force than Puru.”
The king spat at the floor. To the officials and commander present there the king ordered, “Arrest Prince Ambhi on charges of rebellion against the king. Tomorrow we will decide what punishment we will deal to him.”
The commander did not move. The ministers and the official also ignored the command.
Ambhi spoke, “Father! Calm down. Don’t disgrace yourself. No one will act against the future ruler of Gandhar. They are no fools.”
The old frail king could not take the shock. He collapsed to the floor and then never rose again. Perhaps he had died of heart stroke.
This sudden development stunned everyone in the meeting room. One of the officials bent down and felt pulse. He shook his head indicating to the others that the king indeed was dead.
All stood silent not knowing what to do. Prince Ambhi was deeply burdened with a guilt feeling.
Suddenly, an experienced minister gathered his wits and took charge of the situation. He asked Prince Ambhi to conduct himself as acting king of Gandhar since the king was dead. He instructed the people present there not to reveal the truth. They were given oath of secrecy. The violation of the oath would attract death sentence. The death of the king was to be claimed as natural due to old age and weak heart that had occured in a secret meeting involving the envoys of the Emperor Alexander.
Thus, everything was worked out as normal tragedy. In one stroke for public consumption the friendship treaty with Alexander was given legitimate form to which the deceased king was a party.
Acting king Ambhi smiled at the talented minister who had solved all his problems. Of course, he would get adequately rewarded.

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