A railway platform is a world in itself. The rich and the poor, educated and illiterate as well as young and old have one aim—waiting for the train. Some talk of business; others of household affairs, still others of courts and colleges but the departure or arrival of their trains haunts the mind of all. The only subject that is of some interest to everyone is the time of arrival of departure of the train.
Life at railway platform seems to move at a very quick pace. People rush here and there; some check up time of arrival or of departure of the trains, while others go to buy tickets or eatables. Some others move around the railway station try to locate their kith and kin. Coolies and TTEs move at slow pace; it is a matter of routine for them.
Passengers are found quarreling with the porters over wages. They quarrel among themselves over petty matters. In contrast to this, there are some loud laughter’s too. Young people are seen cracking jokes.
As the train steams in, everyone moves briskly. People see their friends and relatives off with folded hands but heavy hearts. They garland the persons as if they were going to the battlefield. Equally emotional is the meeting of those who come to receive their near and dear ones. The announcements from the loudspeakers divert the attention but for a short period of time.
Kith and kin—relatives