Ideals of persons differ so it is very difficult to state the qualities of an ideal citizen. For the success of democracy ideal citizens are necessary as they make a nation great and prosperous. In short, ideal citizen should be learned, alert active, watchful and vigilant. He should strive for welfare of the people and uplift of downtrodden.
An ideal citizen should be faithful and loyal to his motherland. He should devote himself for the national interests. At the time of crisis and national danger, he can even sacrifice his life for defense and welfare of his country.
An ideal citizen believes in maintaining peace, law and order. He is firm believer in rule of law so he obeys law faithfully. He knows the value of his right.
An ideal citizen helps authorities in maintaining law and order but opposes corruption and bribery and adulterators. He believes in tolerance and shows respect to all religions.
Being an ideal citizen, he upholds and protects sovereignty, unity and integrity of his nation. He abides by the constitution of his country and tries to follow its ideals and duties prescribed by it.
An ideal citizen shows respect to other person’s point of view. He honors rights of others as he does of his own. He cares for social values of life and performs voluntary service for the welfare of his nation.
He devotes his time for welfare of downtrodden weak and poor persons he is kind to weeks and terror to cruel persons and anti social elements.
Strive—try hard