Hatim bade his Hindu host goodbye and left for Mountain Nida. After a few days, on his way, he came across a few men fighting on the street. He enquired about it and one of them told him the story. “Many years ago, a stranger came to our village and fell in love with the Chief’s daughter. They got married on one condition that he would be buried alive along with her if his wife died before him. Now that the Chief’s daughter is dead, he refuses to be buried along with her.” Hatim, at first, rebuked the outrageous agreement. Then, he told the stranger that he should keep his promise. The stranger was buried in front of all the villagers. At night, Hatim went to the grave and dug the stranger out. He then gave the stranger some money and asked him to leave the town immediately. That night, Hatim too left the town after saving the stranger.
An Outrageous Agreement