Andrew loved toys. He liked all kinds of toys but he liked guns and rockets more than any other toys. His father and uncle always gave Andrew new toys to play with. One day, his uncle Joseph gave him a rocket that looked like a real rocket. Andrew loved the new rocket because he thought it could fly. “Wow! My rocket will go straight into the sky,” Andrew shouted in joy as he imagined his rocket flying up in air. While he was playing with the toy, his younger cousin, David, came there. “Look David! Here’s my new rocket,” Andrew said showing his rocket to David. “And now, this magical rocket will fly in the air,” Andrew thought that he would fool David. “Really! Show me the flying rocket,” David said. When Andrew released the rocket into the air, the rocket fell down. “The battery of the rocket is not working,” David smiled. Andrew understood he could not fool David.
Andrew and the Magic Rocket