April fool’s day

Yesterday I was awakened early by my father. He told me that I would be late if I did not get up immediately. When I reminded him that it was Saturday he asked me if I had not seen the note that he had left for me the evening before. In fact, I had not noticed it when I came in from a party.
Dad said that the drama teacher, Mrs Sharma, had phoned on Friday evening to say that she was holding a series of extra rehearsals for the school play on Saturday morning. She wanted to make sure that we were all perfect and that we all looked all right in our costumes. I was to take part in the first rehearsal. I was to get to school by 9 am, change into my costume and wait for Mrs Sharma. We were doing a dramatization of Treasure Island and I was playing the pirate, Long John Silver. It took me a long time to get into my costume.
I was not pleased when I read the note, but there was nothing for it but to get up. When I got to school, the door of the front entrance was locked and I went to find the caretaker. Although he knew nothing about the rehearsal yet he let me into the drama department, grumbling a bit. I got into my costume and waited—and waited and waited. By 9.30 am Mrs Sharma still had not arrived. Suddenly, the door to the drama department burst open. My dad, brother Harish and friend Rohit stood there, calling, ‘April Fool!’ I had forgotten that it was April 1. Every year I play a successful April fool joke on one of my family members or school friends. This year dad had got it on me- with some help from Mrs Sharma.
Immediately—at once

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