A stranger once asked Sheikh Chilli, “Are you Hussain?” Sheikh Chilli, who was fed up of being called foolish by everyone, immediately said, “Yes, I am.” The man said loudly, “The goat you gave me has run away. Did it come back to you?” Sheikh grinned and said, “Yes.” The angry man told Sheikh to return his goat or pay him. Sheikh kept giggling. By now the man was irritated and started hitting Sheikh. A crowd gathered around the two. The furious man kept hitting Sheikh, but Sheikh kept on laughing. This enraged the man further, so he hit him so badly that blood oozed out of Sheikh’s mouth. To everyone’s surprise, Sheikh was still laughing. The frustrated man just went away. Sheikh told everyone with pride, “Do you all know, I made a fool of that man? He thought I was Hussain, when actually I am not!” Everybody was shocked at Sheikh’s foolishness, as due to his own stupidity he had got hurt badly.
Are You Hussain?