As advised by Sage Narada, the Pandavas decided that each one would spend a month with Draupadi. None of the other brothers would intrude on the other during that period. If any of them did, he would willingly go into exile for twelve years. One day, a Brahmana came seeking King Yudhishthira’s help to get back his stolen cows. At that time, Yudhishthira was with Draupadi, so Arjuna offered to help. But his bow and arrows had been left behind in Draupadi’s room. Either he went in and got them, or the angry Brahmana would curse the king, his brother. Arjuna decided to break his promise to his brother rather than cause the Brahmana to curse him. He went in and got his bow and arrows, explaining to Yudhishthira and Draupadi that he would go into exile now. During this period, Arjuna had many adventures.
Arjuna Exiles Himself