Arjuna’s Charioteer

Once the messenger had been sent off to Hastinapura, the Pandavas began preparations. They first informed all the kings and princes who were their friends to be ready for the war. Arjuna went to Dwaraka himself to seek help from Krishna. Duryodhana too reached there the same day. Krishna was sleeping when they arrived. Duryodhana sat on a chair at the head of Krishna’s bed, while Arjuna stood at its foot. When Krishna awoke, his eyes fell on Arjuna first so he smiled at him. Then he welcomed Duryodhana too. Krishna said that he would assist both sides. He would give his army to one side while he himself would be on the other, but without weapons. Since he saw Arjuna first, it was for Arjuna to choose first. Arjuna chose Krishna. Duryodhana was delighted to have the whole of Krishna’s army with him!

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