Arrival of Lord Wavel

In Oct. 1943 the tenure of Linlithgo was over and Lord Wavel came to India as Viceroy. Reaching India he declared, “I have brought many items in my kitty.”
Babu Rajendra Prasad was still in jail. Gandhiji was released in May 1944. His efforts to persuade Jinnah had failed and he was insisted on Pakistan.
In this regard Gandhiji had a meeting with Lord Wavel. But that didn’t bring any fruits.
Wavel went back to England to discuss the situation with Prime Minister Churchil and after returning to India he produced a new scheme on June 24, 1945 which was called as ‘Wavel Plan’.
Keeping it in view on 15th June Rajendra Prasad and on 16th June other political prisoners were set free.
A coference was to be held in Simla. Gandhiji and Maulana Azad reached Simla directly. Rajendra Babu also reached Simla from Patna. Leaders from other cities too reached Simla. Due to obstinate attitude of Muslim League Simla Conference terminated in vain. After that for fifteen days Rajendra Babu stayed at Simla.

Thereafter he reached Delhi, from Delhi he visited some places in Rajasthan and lastly he reached his village Ziradei and then set out for Bihar visit.
As per Wavel Plan all political prisoners were released. On behalf of govt. a declaration was made on Sept. 19, 1945 that in winter of 1945-1946 there will be general elections in India, reorganisation of legislative councils and a constitution will be formed.
Immediately after it Congress setup a committee. The members of this committee were—Rajendra Prasad, Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel, Govind Vallabh Pant, Pattabhi Sitaramayya, Asaf Ali and Shankar Rao Dev.
Congress won these election in all the states except Bengal and Punjab and formed his ministries. Only in Kerala and Bengal Muslim League formed its ministries. Joint ministry of Akali Dal, Congress and Unionist Party was formed in Punjab.

Congress gained big majority in these elections. Britain was facing several problem due to world war. Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose had established Indian National Army. On the other side China and America were also in favour of Indian independency.
Britain had realized that it will not able to keep subdued India for any longer. Consequently on Feb. 15, 1946 British Prime Minister Atlee in his parliament said, “Temperature of 1946 cann’t be compared with that of 1920, 1930 and 1942.”
Afterwards he sent a delegation to asses the problems in India. It was called Cabinet Mission.
On April 24, 1946 Cabinet Mission reached Delhi and held descussions with different political parties. Thus it came to know that there is massive misunderstanding about administration, constitution formation and interim govt.
Muslim League confirmed its doubt by a declaration that it will not accept any such constitution in which United India will be admitted. By this declaration it challenged to carry out direct proceedings for demand of Pakistan.
Cabinet Mission called for all parties meeting in Simla which commenced on May 5 and continued till one week. Here too Muslim League stuck to its demand. Because members of cabinet mission were disagree, so this meeting ended without any result.
According to Cabinet Mission scheme election for Constitution Committee were held in July 1946. Congress obtained 211 votes out of total 296 votes of the states. Muslims League obtained 73 seats out of 78 reserved for Muslims.
On Aug. 12, 1946 Viceroy invited Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru to form an interim govt. Muslim League neither desired to join the ministry nor he did it, although lot of efforts were made for it.
As Congress formed the govt. the real face of Muslim League appeared. That created riots at several places in the country. But on 26th Oct. five members of Muslim League were included in the ministry.
Even then they did not agree to accept Jawahar Lal Nehru as their leader. Riots broke out in Dhaka. Noakhali. Horrible atrocities were imposed on Hindus, and some Hindu families shifted to Bihar.
Lestening to their grievances riots broke out in Mungher and Patna.
As the information received Rajendra Babu alongwith Acharya Kripalani reached there and the riots cooled down.
Gandhiji had gone to Noakhali to maintain peace. As he got the information of Bihar riots he sat on fast there, by doing so Rajendra Babu felt relief to cool down the riots.
After joining the govt. Muslim League clearly declared that it joined it to achieve its aim only. Afterwards it started intervening in Constitution Committee.
Under the leadership of Jawahar Lal Nehru there were twelve members in the interim govt. Among them Rajendra Babu was holding food and agriculture ministry.
Probably Jawahar Lal Nehru allotted this portfolio to him as he knew well that Rajendra Babu only can solve it in a better way. After taking charge of food ministry he made arrangements to import food grains.
It was result of his attempts that agriculture experts from America visited India to inspect the problems of India and the rehabilitation society of U.N.O. also started aiding.
Although complete solution was not possible by these aids but some relief was gained.
All members of this interim ministry used to meet together at 5 p.m. every day, but the ministers of Muslim League never sat beside them.
Rajendra Babu remained in this ministry for one year and four months. But he did not give up his social work. He spared some time for his social activities.
Annual Congress session of 1946 was held under the Presidentship of Acharya Kripalani. At that time due to communal tension every where there was unrest. In this session a proposal was passed that after independence India will be a democratic country.
Hastily on Feb. 20, 1947 British Prime Minister had declare that India will be set free by June 1948.
On March 23, 1947 Mountbetton became the Viceroy of India. On 18th May, 1947 he went London and discussed with Prime Minister of England.
He returned on June 3 and put up his plan in front of Indian leaders.
According to his plan after departure of British from India, India will be divided into two parts i.e. India and Pakistan.
British rule ended on 15th Aug. 1947, but before that on 14th August a new country Pakistan had existed on the globe and India too was ready to enter a new era as independent.

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