As the king, so are the subjects (Dynamic School Proverbial Stories)

Mr. Cooper was the owner of a cinema hall. He was earning good profits in his business, yet he was not satisfied with what he had. He wanted more and more. Due to greed, he became corrupt. He told his manager to sell the tickets in black, so that he could earn more profits. Since the boss was corrupt, the employees working under him too became corrupt. They started misappropriating the accounts and should show fake account books to him.
Since all the tickets were sold in black, people became hesitant to buy the tickets. Only a few people were tempted to buy costly tickets. The attendance in his cinema hall was reduced day by day.
Mr. Cooper begin to suffer losses in the business due to his wrong acts.
MoralThe boss must be righteous if he demands honesty from his workers, because the employees tread on the footsteps of the employer. As the king, so are the subjects.

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