My mother and I took the lift from the second level of the underground car-park to get to the ground floor of the shopping complex. The moment we stepped out of the lift we were greeted by a blast of cool air and the blare of music from a music shop nearby. The car-park was dark and gloomy. The ground floor was bright and lively.
We were at the foyer of the huge shopping complex. There were many people there. I could see a goldsmith’s shop, two music shops, a pharmacy, two book stalls, a video shop, an optician’s shop and a large super- market.
Two very old guards sat in front of the goldsmith’s shop. They were nodding off. I wondered if they could cope if robbers were to come to the shop. It did not look like they could. A “cheap sale” of clothes was going on in the middle of the foyer. The crowd there was so thick that it was impossible to get near the clothes. We walked past the mad crowd and into the supermarket.
There were rows and rows of goods in the supermarket. We picked out the things we wanted and put them in a trolley. When we had finished I pushed the trolley to the check-out counter where my mother paid for the things we took. Fortunately there were few people in the supermarket. The cheap sale had attracted the crowd. So it did not take us long to buy what we came for.
We came out of the supermarket and passed the mad crowd. I noticed that one of the old guards at the goldsmith’s was actually snoring! Anyhow we proceeded to the lift and left the shopping complex.
gloomy dimly lighted
foyer a lobby or entrance hall
nod off fall asleep momentarily doze