Attack of the Grizzly Bear


Molly Travis lived in a cabin near the woods. She had grown up in the city, but listened carefully when her neighbours shared their experiences of living so close to Nature. One night, it was quite late, when Molly thought she heard a sound outside. She opened the door and walked out on the path that led to the woods. Then she stopped in horror, because right in front of her was a huge grizzly bear! The bear ran after her and and when she struggled, its grip only tightened. Poor Molly was sure she would never escape. Then she remembered her neighbours’ advice, and went limp. Thinking the woman was dead, the bear let her go. She did not stir for several minutes. Finally, when she was sure the bear had gone, Molly called out for help. She had many cuts and bruises, but her quick thinking had saved her life!

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