Born: December 10, 1815, Piccadilly Terrace, Middlesex
[now in London], England
Died: November 29, 1852, Marylebone, London

Augusta Ada Byron, Countess of Lovelace, was a British mathematician. Byron laid some of the early conceptual and technical groundwork for high technology by helping develop an early computer.
The daughter of English poet Lord Byron, Ada Byron was born in London. With the help of friends and tutors, she taught herself geometry and later attended classes in astronomy and mathematics.
In 1833, she met British mathematician and inventor Charles Babbage. He had invented the Difference Engine, a mechanical device designed to handle complicated mathematical problems. Byron showed her understanding of the concept of a programmed computer in 1842, when she translated from French and annotated a paper by the Italian engineer Luigi F. Menabrea on Babbage’s Difference Engine. She also collaborated with Babbage to invent the Analytical Engine, an archetype of the modern digital computer. The technology of their time was not capable of translating their ideas into practical use, but the Analytical Engine had many features of the modern computer. It could read data from a deck of punched cards, store data, and perform arithmetic operations.
The components of Byron’s work remain in the modern digital electronic computer that receives a set of instructions, then carries out those instructions. Byron’s set of instructions was a forerunner of modern programming languages and historians have credited Byron as the first computer programmer.
The United States Department of Defence honoured Byron’s accomplishments in the computer field posthumously in 1979, naming its high-level, universal computer programming language, Ada, after her.