Aurangzeb’s aim

Emperor Aurangzeb wanted to turn Hindustan into an rabid Sunni Muslim land. To achieve his goal he adopted a fanatically anti-Hindu stance. To realise his dream the destruction of Hinduism was a must.
The worship centres of Hindus were being ravaged and they were under extreme pressure to convert to Islam or face the torments of Aurangzeb’s commanders, soldiers and officials. The people were being terrorised. A very fanatical campaign had been let loose all over but it was most brazen in Punjab.
The forcible conversion attempt was started from Kashmir which was the home of religiously educated Pundits who were the brains of Hindus. Aurangzeb thought that if he succeeded in converting them to Islam then rest of the Hindus would themselves fall in line. So, for him Kashmir operation was the most important on which hinged his strategy.
Kashmir’s location was also the point. It was situated by the side of the Muslim centres like Kabul and Peshawar. If the Pundits resisted the conversion demand they could be forcibly subdued or even eliminated trapped as they were by the mountains.
The imperial governor Iftikhar Khan enforced the Mogul Emperor’s policy in a very tyrannical way. The Pundits were given ultimatum to convert to Islam or face the diremost consequences. Fed up with the Muslim torments a group of Kashmiri Pundits came to meet Guru Teg Bahadur in the summer of 1675 at Anandpur Sahib.
The delegation narrated their tale of woes to Guru and mentioned the ultimatum served to them. The Pundits made it clear that in the entire land Guru was their only hope who could save the Hindu religion. Guru Teg Bahadur had already heard about the tyranny of the Moguls in Kashmir.
Guru was very thoughtful and grim.
Gobindrai was also present there and he had heard what the Pundits had said. He was feeling angry about the whole situation. He looked at his father and asked, “What are you thinking, father?”
“The situation is very grim, Gobind. It is a matter of grave worry. Our dharma is in danger. It faces ruthless destruction. There is a challenge to our way of living, our cultures, customs and traditions. The injustices and the tyrannies of the rulers have crossed all limits. Some great one is required to make great sacrifice, son.”
Gobindrai at once said, “Father! There is no one greater than you among the natives.”
Guru Teg Bahadur looked at his son admiringly. His son had an old head on his young shoulders. He said to the Pundits, “We shall protect your dharma considering it as our duty. You must stop worrying. Go to Aurangzeb and tell him that if Teg Bahadur converts to Islam then you too will.”
The Pundits understood the implications of what Guru had said. They paid obeisance to Guru Teg Bahadur and departed to do what he had commanded.

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