Author-orator Tirthram

Now Tirthram had a small job to make a living. He was devoting all his spare time to meditation and the study of the scriptures.
He still was doing ‘Sanatana Dharma Sabha’ services which required him to deliver sermons and hold discourses. His meetings attracted large crowds. He founded his own organisation called ‘Advaitamritvarshini Sabha’. This outfit organised seminars on religious matters and held recitations of holy verses. Its meetings used to start with a sermon by Tirthram. A large number of youngmen became its members.
One of the youngmen was Sudarshan who greatly admired Tirthram. His friend Narayana was sceptical about it and made fun of Tirthram. One day, Sudarshan got him to listen to the sermon of Tirthram.
He listened to Tirthram dumb founded. He made no sceptical noises or sarcastic remarks.
To his surprise Sudarshan found out later that Narayana had turned an instant devotee of Tirthram. Such was the spiritual force of Tirthram Goswami.
Lala Hardayal was also an admirer of Tirthram. He was an administrative officer. He was of the opinion that Tirthram’s message deserved to be propagated all over the country for the benefit of millions of the countrymen especially the youth.
Lala Hardayal infact decided to take concrete steps in that direction. He with the help of other admirers opened a press and started publication of ‘Alif’ magazine. It printed articles authored by Tirthram. The first issue had to be reprinted twice.
The number of the followers of Tirthram increased manifold.
But Tirthram was an uneasy mind. The publication of the magazine and running a press was too mundane jobs to retain his interest for long. He could not be kept tethered to a desk. Eventually he handed the press to his followers to run. He also stopped writing for ‘Alif’.
The magazine folded up.

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