Babouscka (Russia)

Babouscka (Russia)

It was the night when dear Child Christ came to Bethlehem. In a country far away from Christ, an old woman named Babouscka sat in her snug little house by warm fire. She heard a loud rap at her door. She opened it and her candle shone on three old men standing outside in the snow. “We have travelled far Babouscka,” they said, “We stop to tell you of the Baby Prince born in Bethlehem. He comes to rule the world and teach all men to be loving and true.

We carry His gifts. Come with us, Babouscka.” “It is too late for me to go with you, good sirs,” she said, “The weather is too cold.” She went inside again and shut the door. The old men journeyed on to Bethlehem without her. So when it was morning, Babouscka put on her long cloak and took her stuff; she filled her basket with the pretty things a baby would like–and set out to find Child Christ. But none could tell her the way; she travelled for years but she never found the little Child Christ. They say that old Babouscka is travelling still, looking for Him.

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