Bad Deeds Follow You

Nagarjuna went to Benaras and started studying under a Bodhisattva. However, he never listened to the Bodhisattva’s teachings and fought with other students. Soon, the students started quitting and the Bodhisattva lost his income. He asked Nagarjuna to leave Benaras. Next day, Nagarjuna went to a nearby village. He married a woman and had two children. As he had studied under a Bodhisattva, the villagers would seek his advice. However, due to wrong advice given to some people, Nagarjuna was driven away from the village. He reached a haunted forest, where Narakas (demons) killed his wife and children. Nagarjuna escaped and reached a sea-port where an elderly couple adopted him. Nagarjuna started a business with the gold coins his foster father gave him and became very rich. Still not satisfied, he told his foster parents he would go abroad on a ship. They tried to stop him, but he left anyway. Soon they got news that the ship had wrecked in a storm. None had survived.

Moral: Your bad deeds shall always follow you.

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