Baital’s Warning

Baital was very happy and said, “You are right, Vikram. The King also gave the same judgement.” King Vikramaditya knowing Baital’s nature, held onto him tightly but Baital laughed and said, “Do not be distressed, Vikram! I am not going to leave you now.” As King Vikramaditya was about to reach the crematory, where the hermit was meditating, Baital said to him, “Vikram! I have already forewarned you that the hermit is an evil being. He wants to sacrifice you also in order to enhance his demoniac powers. He will ask you to bow before the sacrificial fire, and when you do so, he will cut off your head. But when he tells you to bow, you tell him to show you how to do it.” Hearing this, King Vikramaditya was startled, but he kept quiet. Going to the hermit, he threw Baital before him.

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