You will need:
- 6 cups of flour
- 2 cups of salt
- 4 tablespoonfuls of
cooking oil - Warm water
- Plastic bottle
- Liquid soap
- Red or orange food colour
- Vinegar
- Large pan or dish
- 2 tablespoonfuls of
baking soda
A baking soda volcano is the homemade kitchen version of a volcano. It is obviously not the actual thing, but you could create and have fun replicating the same explosive reaction of a volcano by yourself.
- Firstly, create your volcanic mountain. Take flour, salt, cooking oil and 2 cups of water and make dough out of this mixture, which will be firm but easily mouldable.
- Place an empty plastic bottle in a large pan or dish. Mould the dough into a hill around the bottle, taking care that no dough falls into the bottle.
- Colour the mould to resemble a hill.
- Pour warm water into the bottle filling
it three-fourths of the way, and add a few drops of liquid soap. - Add baking soda to the water.
- Mix red/orange food colour into the vinegar and slowly pour the red-coloured vinegar into the bottle.
The vinegar will react with the baking soda and create carbon dioxide, which builds up and creates lava-like eruption.