Balloon In Command (Science Experiments)

Materials Required:
l Metal can
l Nail
l Hammer
l Round balloon
l Soap
The help of one of your parents


  1. Ask one of your parents to make a small hole near the bottom of a metal can by tapping the tip of a nail into the metal can with a hammer.
  2. Inflate a round balloon until it is slightly larger than the can opening, then tie the balloon shut.
  3. Wet your hands and lather them with a piece of soap. Rub your soapy hands all over the surface of the balloon.
  4. Place the metal can on its side on a table with the hole facing up. Hold the balloon next to the can opening and start to such air from the tiny hole. The balloon will slip into the can. Now blow air into the hole, and you’ll make the balloon leave.

This Is What Happens:
By sucking air from the can, you decrease the air pressure inside. The air pressure outside the can is now greater, and this pushes against the balloon, forcing it into the can. Blowing into the can does just the opposite: The pressure builds up inside and forces the balloon out.

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