The Hydronis guajana (scientific name) or banded pitta is actually 3 different birds of the same species formerly placed in the same group. However, they have been separated into sub-species, Hydronis schwaneri (Bornean Banded pitta), Hydronis guajana (Javan Banded Pitta) and Hydronis irena (Malayan Banded Pitta). They are native to the regions mentioned in their names–Borneo, Java and Bali, and Thai-Malay Peninsula and Sumatra. Only 8 inches in height, this bird has yellow/orange eyebrows and either a yellow-blue or orange-blue barred belly. It also has a thin narrow band of blue on the upper chest. It eats insects and small vertebrates primarily as part of its diet. An average clutch has 2 eggs incubated for 14-16 days. Its IUCN listing is the LEAST CONCERN.