25. Bangladesh

Bangladesh is situated on the eastern side of our country.
(i) Location : This country bordered on the north, west and east by India and the Bay of Bengal is on the south. It lies between latitudes 210N and 26030’N. Through the middle of it, passes the Tropic of Cancer.
It lies between longitudes 880E and 920 30’E.
Physical Divisions of Bangladesh : Most of Bangladesh lies in the largest delta of the world. It is a vast flat plain. Bangladesh has a land of big rivers, lakes, swamps and marshes. During the rainy season large part of Bangladesh is flooded. It has an area of 1,438,393 sq.km. The Jamuna (Brahmaputra), Padma, Meghna and Ganga are the important rivers. A small hilly area in the south-east constitutes the Chittagong Hill tract.
Climate : The climate of this country is hot and humid. Rainfall varies from 250 to 400 cm. It has distinct dry and rainy season. In early summer, this country faces cyclonic storms.
Natural Vegetation : In the delta Mangrove foests are found. Sundari and bamboo trees in abundance.
Agriculture : Rice is the main crop of this country because of fertile alluvial soil and abundant water supply. It covers 85% of the cultivated area. Jute is the main cash crop. Tea plantations are also done in some regions in the north. Sugarcane, cotton and tobacco are also grown.
Animal Rearing : Most of the animals reared in Bangladesh are beasts of burden. This country is a leading supplier of animal hides and skins.
Fishing : Large number of rivers and nearness of sea make fishing an important trade of Bangladesh.
Minerals : Mineral resources are scanty in this country. Coal, natural gas and oil are mined in a small quantity.
Industries : The country has the industries of jute and cotton textiles, cement, fertilizers, sugar, paper, glass, etc.
Population, Language and Religion : Bangladesh has a population of about 116 million. The density of population here is 763 persons per sq.km. Bengali is the official language of Bangladesh. Most of the people follow Islam. Dhaka, Chittagong, Khulna and Narayanganj are some important cities of this country.

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