Today plastic bags are becoming the biggest problem of the cities. These bags are used for carrying all kinds of items bought from shops.
People throw these bags after using. They don’t dissolve, rot or degrade like paper bags and those of jute. They lie everywhere polluting the roads, streets and all vacant places. When burnt they fill air with harmful gases.
The only way to solve the problem is to stop accepting things in plastic bags. If this plastic garbage goes on building up we shall have a big problem at our hands. They will make cities and towns an ugly scenes.
It is duty of the children to refuse the plastic bags to carry items. It is because tomorrow it will be our world and that world will be ugly and harmful due to plastic garbage. We are getting educated to have a better future but our future will be sealed inside filthy plastic bags.
This is a reality. The time to act is now. Tomorrow it will be too late!