Sweety was the most ugly girl of the locality where she lives in. She was of marriageable age, but no man was ready to get married to her. They even didn’t like to talk to her. Her parents were very worried about her future. ‘‘How shall our daughter live after us.” They would ponder. ‘‘What would happen to her, if nobody is willing to get married to her.’’ One day, a handsome young man came to their house. He was going to appear for IAS exams and therefore wanted to stay at some decent family’s place as paying guest.
Sweety’s parents liked the man’s nature and allowed him to stay at their place. Sweety too liked him, but was hesitant to speak to him, as she was scared that he may not like her due to her ugly looks.
One day, the handsome boy told Sweety’s parents that he liked Sweety and wished to get married to her. Sweety and her parents were surprised at this proposal. They never expected in their wildest of dreams that such an handsome person would demand her hand as his life-partner. Her parents asked him, that how did he like Sweety. “Well,” he replied, “I have liked Sweety’s innocence and purity of mind. She is far more beautiful than the other girls, who don’t have any control over themselves, I shall keep Sweety as comfortable as princess of my life.” Sweety got married to her Prince-charming and both of them lived happily everafter.
Moral—Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder.