It was English teacher Mrs. Simon’s class. All the children loved her a lot. She always talked to them about their dreams. One day, Mrs. Simon asked her students about their ambitions, what they wanted to become in future. The whole class was thrilled. Some said, “Doctor,” some said, “Teacher,” some said, “Musician” and so on. Tommy was a new child in the class. No one knew about Tommy, and no one was his friend, too. Mrs. Simon’s attention was on Tommy. She went near him and asked, “Tommy, what do you want to be when you grow up? Tell me.” Tommy replied after thinking deeply, “I want to become POSSIBLE!!” He continued, “Yes teacher, that is what I want to become. My mother always complains that I am impossible. So, I have decided that I want to be possible. I want to do everything.” Mrs. Simon was stunned to hear the answer.
Becoming Possible